ICTP Physics Without Frontiers Program 2019 (Travel Grants available)

Applications are open for the ICTP Physics Without Frontiers Program 2019. ICTP Physics Without Frontiers works to inspire, train and motivate physics and mathematics university students worldwide with some focus on science and technology lagging countries, to help build the next generation of scientists. Each project is unique, developed with the country’s specific needs in mind.

PWF organises projects working with volunteer scientists, who may be PhD students, postdoctoral researchers, or lecturers from all over the world passionate to promote physics and mathematics.

Physics Without Frontiers Projects

  • University Courses: PWF partners with physics and mathematics departments that are unable to teach specific courses due to a lack of resources.
  • Workshops and Schools: PWF organise pedagogical workshops and schools at universities for local undergraduate and/or master students from across the country. The project aims to expose and train the students in research fields they lack access to.
  • Roadshows: Roadshows are organised by groups of young researchers, passionate about advocating their research field back in their home country. The roadshow centres around intensive one-day activities in universities across the host country, in addition to outreach and public events.


  • Funding is provided for travel grants only.


  • University Courses: Open to physicists and mathematicians who are faculty members in universities in developing countries;
  • Workshops and Schools: Open to applications from a group hoping to organise the school or workshop. The members of the group are often young PhD students or post docs along with more senior researches in collaboration with members of the physics department in the host country.
  • Roadshows: Open to applications from a group of researchers from PhD level upwards wishing to promote their field of research in a host country. The members of the group will often contain researcher originally from the host country working internationally and who are passionate to promote their field in their country, along with international researchers.
    • The group must visit a number of universities in the host country providing, for example, lectures, training and hands on sessions, and may include additional seminars, public talks, or organise outreach events.

 DEADLINE: May 30, 2019

To apply and for more information visit here

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