SYS COVID Response Grant- Africa 2020 ($500)

As the effects of COVID continue to spread, ShareYourself is taking a stand with those on the front lines providing relief and solutions in their communities. SYS is offering one grant of $500 to any project that is actively taking steps to respond to COVID in their community.

ShareYourself (SYS) is a social impact project management platform and social community designed to incubate and accelerate impactful community projects.

SYS is taking a stand against COVID19 and we want to help fund any project or start up in West Africa that will take a stand with us.


  • One grant of $500 is available for a selected project. The grant money must be used to benefit the project, not the recipient.


  • The project must have a COVID19 focused mission.
  • Grants are awarded to projects that demonstrate progress, viability, and strong involvement from the project creator and team members.
  • Projects which have outlined their mission, vision and plan in their project description are favored.

DEADLINE: June 21 2020

To apply and for more information visit here

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