Opportunities for Employment in Agriculture

In order to receive additional details and to examine the practical possibility of working in Israel
within the stipulated time period, please contact one of the authorized recruitment agencies, (list

Please note, the Embassy does not have any additional information. Please reach out to the following
agencies directly.

We appreciate your continued support for Israel in these challenging times.

Abroad Job WhatsApp Group

If you looking for an oversees job forum or you are experiencing any challenges or difficulties during the application of the vacancies posted, kindly join our WhatsApp forum where we shall be discussing the following

  1. More abroad job opportunities
  2. Application tips and guidelines
  3. Discussing Challenges or any difficulties faced during applications and possible solutions
  4. CV, cover letter, resume and application by email tips
  5. Online submission tips
  6. Hand delivery job submissions tips
  7. Future info on shortlisting on jobs
  8. Interview tips and guidelines when shortlisted
  9. Interact with members who are also shortlisted incase shortlisting happens soon
  10. Any other relevant future updates regarding the job position
  11. More instant job updates from fellow members

As a general and mutual role, we encourage every member of the group to share a random job or internship, this will ensure the group remains relevant to topic and the discussion stays inline with career related chats

How to Join

Click on the links below and you shall be redirected to joining link

Link 1 : https://chat.whatsapp.com/GsnOHzaWMY4GTUEaToY

Link 2 : https://chat.whatsapp.com/GsnOHzaWMY4GTUEaTbk

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