4 Vacancies Open At Braeburn International Schools 

Teaching careers at Braeburn

  1. Teaching careers at Braeburn

The Braeburn Group of International Schools is committed to attracting, developing and retaining the very best teachers. The majority of our schools are CIS (Council of International Schools) accredited and IAPS (Independent Association of Prep Schools) and COBIS (Council of Overseas British International Schools) members.

We maintain a high teacher retention (for the international market) by focusing on three key areas, the teaching environment, supporting the professional development of our teachers and making sure our teachers are enjoying their time inside and outside the classroom.

Teaching environment

English is the language of instruction, we have small class sizes, motivated students and high standards. Our vision is to develop confident individuals, responsible citizens and learners enjoying success.

We have a friendly, caring and supportive environment, with excellent support staff and facilities; empowering our teachers to in turn create an exceptional learning environment for the students. With a community of nearly 100 different nationalities and cultures, we are proud to call ourselves international in every sense, as working in a diverse multicultural environment offers the opportunity to broaden knowledge and experience.


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