How to Answer ‘What is your Salary Expectation ‘

Navigating the “What is your salary expectation?” question requires a blend of tact and preparedness, especially in the context of salary negotiations where revealing your hand prematurely can affect the outcome.

When posed with inquiries about your salary expectations, consider these strategies for a professional and thoughtful response:

  • Opt for a Salary Range: Providing a range rather than a specific figure allows for flexibility and negotiation, ensuring that discussions remain open-ended and constructive.
  • Inquire About Company Standards: Expressing interest in understanding the organization’s salary structure demonstrates your willingness to align expectations with their policies and scales.
  • Highlight Market Research: Before the interview, thoroughly research what professionals in your field, with your experience and in your region, are earning. This insight ensures your expectations are grounded in real market conditions.
  • Articulate Your Value: Frame your salary expectation within the context of your professional worth and the value you bring to the position, reinforcing the rationale behind your figures.

For instance, you might say:

“In preparation for our discussion, I’ve conducted comprehensive research on the current market rates for roles similar to this one in Kenya, considering the scope of responsibilities and the level of expertise required. Based on this research, I believe a salary range of KES X to KES Y would be appropriate. Of course, I am keen to understand more about the total compensation package you offer and am flexible to negotiate based on the overall benefits and opportunities for professional growth.”


“After reviewing various sources, including industry salary surveys for the Kenyan market, I’ve found that the typical salary range for a position with similar responsibilities as a Web Designer varies between KES 45,000 to KES 60,000 annually. This range accounts for variations in specific job duties and the level of expertise required. While I have a figure in mind, I’m very open to discussing this further, taking into consideration the full scope of compensation and benefits you provide.”

This approach not only showcases your awareness and preparedness but also maintains a professional stance open to dialogue and negotiation.

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