7 Positiuons Open At ORPP

by OYK

The Office of the Registrar of Political Parties (ORPP) is seeking competent, capable, ambitious, self-motivated and dynamic individuals that demonstrate the appropriate expertise and experience to contribute to the implementation of our mandate and the achievement of our vision to be a model regulator of Political Parties for a credible democratic multiparty system.

ORPP therefore invites qualified Interested individuals to apply for the under listed positions.

1.Compliance Officer6ORPP/1/20252
2.Registration Officer6ORPP/2/20251
3.Corporate Communication Officer6ORPP/3/20251
4.Supply Chain Management Assistant7ORPP/4/20251
5.Clerical Officer8ORPP/5/20252
7.Office Assistant10ORPP/7/20251

le with disabilities are encouraged to apply. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. Canvassing in any form will lead to automatic disqualification.


Details of the Posts:

Job Title:Compliance Officer
Ref No:ORPP/1/2025
Grade:ORPP 6
Terms of ServicePensionable
DepartmentCompliance and Political Parties Capacity Building Department
Job PurposeThe position is responsible for implementation of policies, strategies, procedures, and programmes for regulation and capacity building of political parties to ensure compliance with Political Parties Act and other relevant laws.
Reporting toAssistant Director, Compliance
Duty StationHeadquarters
Job Specification Duties and responsibilities:An officer at this level may be deployed to perform compliance functions or political parties capacity building functions. Under Compliance Department, specific duties and responsibilities will entail:i.            Implement strategies and policies for compliance and regulation of political parties;ii.            Conduct research on compliance and regulation of political parties;iii.            Check completeness of political parties statutory files;iv.            Draft correspondences related to compliance and regulation of political parties;v.            Tracking compliance of political parties in line with the Political Parties Act;vi.            Investigation of complaints and sanctions under the Political Parties Act;vii.            Review statutory documents submitted by political parties; andviii.            Monitor political party nominations and campaigns in line with the Political Parties Act and other relevant laws. Under Political Parties Capacity Building Department, duties and responsibilities will entail:i.            Implement policies, procedures and manuals for capacity building of political parties;ii.            Liaise with stakeholders and partners on issues related to political parties capacity building;iii.            Participate in the identification of training gaps within the political parties and propose appropriate programmes;iv.            Participate in the development and implementation of sensitization programmes for political parties and other stakeholders;v.            Liaise with relevant stakeholders on political parties agents training;vi.            Mobilize political parties’ participants for training;vii.            Compile and update a database of trainers of political parties;viii.            Participate in political party’s sensitization activities;ix.            Provide logistical and administrative support for capacity building initiatives;x.            Conduct research to inform development of capacity building curriculum and programmes; andxi.            Prepare and collate relevant periodic reports.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –i.         Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Laws, Public Administration, Business Administration, Education, Political Science/Social Science, or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;ii.         Proficiency in Computer Applications; andiii.         Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
Job Title:Registration Officer
Ref No:ORPP/2/2025
Grade:ORPP 6
Terms of ServicePensionable
DepartmentRegistration and Field Services Coordination
Job PurposeThe position is responsible for registration of political parties and implementation of ORPP decentralized functions including maintaining synergy between headquarters, regional offices, county offices and relevant stakeholdersThis position can be deployed to either:Headquarters (Registration department)Field Services (Regional/ County Offices)
Reporting toAssistant Director, Registration
Duty StationHeadquartersField offices (Regional or County Offices)
Job Specification At the headquarters duties and responsibilities will entail:i.         Implement procedures and guidelines for provisional and full registration of Political Parties;ii.         Research and draft checklist for provisional and full registration;iii.         Scrutinize applications for provisional and full registration of Political Parties in accordance with the Political Parties Act;iv.         Research and prepare draft statutory documents for publication in the Gazette and advertisement in the newspaper as provided for in law;v.         Prepare correspondences to the applicants with regard to registration of Political Parties;vi.         Advise applicants on the registration of political parties and change of particulars;vii.         Compile status reports on the registration of political parties and draft activity reports;viii.         Update the political parties register; andix.         Scrutinize the coalition and merger agreements in line with the Act. At the Regional/County Offices, the specific duties and responsibilities will entail:i.            Mobilization of stakeholders and partners for Capacity building at the county level;ii.            Maintain regular communication with Political Parties on matters affecting management of Political Parties;iii.            Conduct periodic visitation to political parties’ county offices to verify office locations, and adherence to registration requirements;iv.            Verify the availability of political party records at the county level;v.            Verify the existence of political party offices at the county levels and adherence to compliance requirements;vi.            Maintain proper Office records;vii.            Prepare monthly operational reports and special activity reports;viii.            Draft and undertake research on registration of political parties; andix.            Participate in political party’s sensitization activities.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –i.         Bachelor’s Degree in any of the following disciplines: Law, Public Administration, Business Administration, Education, Political Science/Social Science, or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;ii.         Proficiency in Computer Applications; andiii.         Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution
Job Title:Corporate Communication Officer
Ref No:ORPP/3/2025
Grade:ORPP 6
Terms of ServicePensionable
DepartmentCorporate Communication
Job PurposeThe position is responsible for implementation of effective corporate communication policies, strategies and programmes.
Reporting toAssistant Director, Corporate Communication
Duty StationHeadquarters
Job SpecificationDuties and responsibilities will entail: –i.         Implement ORPP Corporate typology and brand management strategies;ii.       Collate corporate communication materials for ORPP events;iii.      Undertake issuance and distribution of communication material within and outside office in line with communication strategy;iv.      Disseminate internal communication through designated channels;v.       Follow up on customer feedback to inform appropriate interventions for improvement of service delivery;vi.      Participate in the organization of corporate events, trade fairs and other outreach fora;vii.    Participate in planning and in execution of ORPP’s CSR activities;viii.   Prepare daily press reports of print and social media monitoring;ix.      Manage ORPP corporate email;x.       Preparation of print, electronic copy for advertisements;xi.      Document events through video, photography and press cuttings; andxii.    Collect information for the preparation of IEC material and supplements.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade a candidate must have: –i.          Bachelor’s degree in any of the following disciplines: – Public Communication, Public Relations, Mass Communication, Journalism or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;ii.          Proficiency in Computer Applications; andiii.          Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
Job Title:Supply Chain Management Assistant
Ref No:ORPP/4/2025
Grade:ORPP 7
Terms of ServicePensionable
DepartmentSupply Chain Management
Job PurposeThis position is responsible for the implementation of supply chain management policies and procedures in accordance with the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act (PPADA), 2015 and Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations (PPADR), 2020.
Reporting toSenior Supply Chain Management Officer
Duty StationHeadquarters
Job Specification      i.         Implement Procurement policies, procedures and guidelinesii.         Maintain inventory and stock control;iii.         Undertake procurement and storage activities;iv.         Prepare stores requisitions;v.         Undertake shelfing, arranging and labelling of stores;vi.         Update the stores/stocks cards;vii.         Prepare stores quarterly and annually report;viii.         Verify goods delivered by suppliers are of the right/required quality and quantity;ix.         Distribute quotation requests;x.         Distribute goods, equipment and services to user departmentsxi.         Maintain security and safe custody of stores; andxii.         Conduct stock control, stock taking and stock audit.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –i.            Diploma in Supply Chain Management or equivalent qualification from a recognized institution;ii.            Proficiency in Computer Applications; andiii.            Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
Job Title:Clerical Officer
Ref No:ORPP/5/2025
Grade:ORPP 8
Terms of ServicePensionable
DepartmentHuman Resource Management
Job PurposeThe position is responsible for implementation of effective systems in the deployed functional area.
Reporting toSenior Officer in the Deployed Functional area
Duty StationHeadquartersField offices (Regional or County Offices)
Job Specification          i.      Perform clerical functions for the Office including Photocopying, scanning, binding and data entry;ii.      Maintain general cleanliness and security of files and equipment;iii.      Ensure proper organization of files in the registry;iv.      Maintain and update files and other records;v.      Maintain files and files movement register;vi.      Maintain an efficient filling system;vii.      Circulate files to action officers and tracking the movement of files to ensure all the outstanding requirements are actioned within the required timelines;viii.      Draft simple correspondences;ix.      Coordinate file census; andx.      Offer clerical support to line managers in the deployed functional area.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –i.      Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade C Minus or equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution;ii.                   Proficiency in Computer Applications; andiii.                  Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution.
Job Title:Driver
Ref No:ORPP/6/2025
Grade:ORPP 9
Terms of ServicePensionable
Job PurposeThe job is responsible for driving assigned motor vehicle while ensuring its security, cleanliness and overall maintenance as well as safety of passengers and goods therein.
Reporting toSenior Administration Officer
Duty StationHeadquarters
Job SpecificationDuties and ResponsibilitiesDrive motor vehicle in the authorised class/classes;Carry out routine checks on the vehicle’s cooling, oil, electrical and brake systems and tire pressure;Report any defects or malfunctioning of the vehicle;Keep vehicle tools in good working condition;Maintain and use authorised work tickets;Maintain security and safety of the vehicle on and off the road;Drive vehicle in a manner to ensure safety of passengers and/or goods therein;Maintain daily cleanliness of the vehicle; andReport any incidences and accidents to the relevant authority.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –i.            Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D Plus or its equivalent qualifications from a recognized Institutionii.            Valid driving license free from any current endorsement(s) for class(s) of vehicle (s) the officer is required to drive;iii.            Passed Occupational Trade Test III for Drivers;iv.            Defensive Driving Certificate from the Automobile Association (AA) of Kenya or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution;v.            Suitability Test for Drivers Grade III conducted by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure; andvi.            Certificate in First-Aid course lasting not less than one (1) week from St. John Ambulance or Kenya Institute of Highway and Building Technology (KIHBT) or any other recognized Institution.vii.            Proficiency in Computer Applications; andviii.            Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution
Job Title:Office Assistant
Ref No:ORPP/7/2025
Grade:ORPP 10
Terms of ServicePensionable
Job PurposeThe position is responsible for maintaining cleanliness, providing catering services and carrying out messengerial services for the office.
Reporting toSenior Administration Officer
Duty StationHeadquarters
Job SpecificationDuties and Responsibilities Undertake cleaning of offices, lavatories and compound;Record and dispatch letters, files and documents;Participate in simple clerical work;Run office errands;Maintain the office kitchen and utensils;Prepare and serve tea to staff and visitors;Keep safe custody of cleaning equipment and materials;Carry out planting, weeding and pruning/mowing gardens; andCollect, assemble and dispose waste.
Person Specification For appointment to this grade, a candidate must have: –i.                Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D Plain or its equivalent qualification from a recognized Institution;ii.              Proficiency in Computer Applications; andiii.             Met the requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution


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Successful candidates shall be required to comply with requirements of Chapter Six of the Constitution and will be required to submit among other documents:

  1. Valid Certificate of Good Conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI);
  2. Clearance Certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB);
  3. Tax Compliance Certificate from the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA);
  4. Dully filled and stamped Self-Declaration/Clearance from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC);
  5. A Clearance Certificate from an approved Credit Reference Bureau (CRB).

How to Apply:

  1. Qualified persons interested in the above positions can access the role profiles, qualifications and experience requirements detailed on our website at https://orpp.or.ke/careers/
  2. Candidates are requested to make their applications by completing two copies of ORPP job application form. The application form can be downloaded from the ORPP website https://orpp.or.ke/downloads/
  3. Candidates should submit their applications (physical) together with a cover letter, detailed curriculum vitae, Copy of the National ID, Certified copies of academic and professional certificates, testimonials, and any other relevant supporting documents to reach the Office on or before,00. pm March 25th, 2025.
  4. Applications should be addressed to:

Registrar of Political Parties
Office of the Registrar of Political Parties

Lion Place, 4th Floor
Karuna Close, Waiyaki Way, Westlands
P. O. Box 1131-00606

  1. The applicant’s envelope should quote the Vacancy Reference Number of the position they are applying for.

ORPP is an equal opportunity employer.

ORPP is committed to implementing the provisions of the Constitution – Chapter 232 (1) on fair competition and merit, representation of Kenya’s diverse communities and affording equal employment opportunities to men and women, members of all ethnic groups and persons with disabilities. Therefore, women, youth, the marginalized and peop

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